Guest Artist Series

Emergency Takeoff


Beatriz Abreu

Suspended in the high orbit of the colony-planet Tui Prime sits the Brecht gateway, one of many port stations that provide refueling and repairs to traveling starships. The workers - most of whom are natives to the planet - constantly watch the days pass in their home from far away, separated by 30,000 kilometers of deep space. Many of them wonder when, or if, they can ever afford to return.

A small task force of law enforcement ships speeds off towards Tui, sent by the corporation that owns the colony-planet in a rush to fulfill an unknown mission. The planet belongs to them now, and they do as they will.


Beatriz Abreu

Beatriz Abreu is an LA-based environment concept artist working in the games industry. Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, she moved to the US in 2018 to attend the Entertainment Design program at ArtCenter College of Design. She enjoys mixing 3D hard-surface design with impressionistic brushwork and is a big nerd for spaceships and sci-fi paintings with bold color and graphic elements.

When not making art, she likes playing games very quickly, reading books very slowly, and drinking ridiculous amounts of coffee. She is currently on the verge of joining Firewalk Studios as an environment concept artist. - Instagram

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